
Review of your current applications and infrastructure to determine cloud readiness and maturity. We can tailor an assessment to fit your need, such as general cloud readiness, infrastructure, development, governance, and/or security.

We can help you migrate your applications from on-premise or co-located hardware to the cloud. This can include modifying, enhancing, and moving your applications, ranging in complexity, purpose, and criticality.

We help you create a holistic cloud strategy that connects your business goals to your IT architecture and enables you to leverage the cloud to grow your business.

Automation, governance, and security controls are vital for businesses today. Without them, you will quickly find your IT environment spiraling out of control. We help establish a framework with a set of policies and standard practices to reduce risk while increasing security and compliance, allowing you to maximize your cloud investment.

From strategy and planning to policy and procedure, Marathon can help you develop or tune your business continuity and disaster recovery plan so you can sleep well knowing your organization can respond to, and adapt to, potential threats or unforeseen disruptive events.

Identity and access management (IAM) is a framework of business processes, policies and technologies that facilitates the management of electronic or digital identities. With an IAM framework in place, IT managers can control user access to critical information within their organizations. Let us help with concept, deployment and experience.